Friday, July 23, 2010


It's another chance to upload something. Now in a coffee bar in Najera where I arrived about 4 hours ago. Done some washing and the all important intake of food. Going back to the hostel in a moment to get on with some more eating. Found that food is quite expensive here. An unknown tree to me is set against a very blue sky and a rotunda which has been built as a shelter for the walkers. The hostel is at the far end of the row of buildings by a nice looking river. D


Well, I’ll go to the foot of our stairs! What a surprise! On my way to a place called Najera and came across a village coffee bar with Wifi. So can’t let this chance pass me by. After what I wrote yesterday it seems things have taken a turn for the better. I have included a couple of pictures. One is the kitchen at the hostel last night at Navarrete and the other I took about half an hour ago on the track through this wine country.

Now last night’s jottings.

22/7 After being dropped in Logrono by Chris I managed to find a coffee bar with wifi. The blog uploaded I headed for the next town where I would stay for the night. Food, at the right price, is quite hard to find, but due to a slight slipup I found myself walking along the highway to Burgos, and came across a service station. I was given directions to get back on the Camino by a Scotsman, with his wife and grandchild, who were parked in the car park. There I had a very large lunch all for the cost of just over 5 Euros. This was a real bargain compared with the inflated price along the trail. While I’m on the subject of inflation, the cost of using the Internet is also somewhat exorbitant. In Logrono the wifi was of course free except for the coffee I needed and enjoyed, but its another story on the Way.
Its only 13 km to Navarrete and to continue it would have meant a further 16 km which was far more than I prefer to do in a day. The rain overnight had wetted the tracks enough to form large pools of glutinous red mud. It wasn’t such a serious problem for me but those who had walked on the tracks before Logrono found far more of the sticky russet stuff if the state of their boots and trousers were anything to go by.
However, in Navarrette my bed was quickly found and then I decided to investigate the wifi situation. I spent about 45 min wandering from bar to bar asking about Internet and wifi and found nothing except for one computer at the usual cost of a Euro for 25 mins. Uploading and writing a few emails soon eats that up, that’s if it’s technically possible to connect a memory stick to the computer.
As the days go by I am still meeting recent and old acquaintances. Of course, in having a day off yesterday some have gone ahead of me now but then again I have jumped 20 km by going by car to Logrono. My luggage has shrunk a little now as I sent some of it ahead to Compostela by post. I’ll have to get there now if I ever want to see the stuff again. D